Re: Multiple war's mapped to different ports

From: <Jan.Luehe_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 23 Jul 2007 14:31:36 -0700 wrote:

>Thanks for your reply. I'm already doing something like what you are suggesting.
>However, I need to map to one war, and to map to the other. This would be easy if the two war's were in different ear's, but in this case they are in the same.
>Is this even possible at all in Glassfish?

Normally, if you want 2 WARs to be accessible at "", but via
*different* listeners, you would configure the following setup:

  <http-listener id="l1" port="1234"/>
  <http-listener id="l2" port="5678"/>
  <virtual-server hosts="" http-listeners="l1" id="vs1"/>
  <virtual-server hosts="" http-listeners="l2" id="vs2"/>

and deploy one WAR to "vs1" and the other to "vs2". Both deployments
would be at "/" (i.e., the virtual server's root context).

However, since both of your WARs are bundled in the same EAR, you cannot
deploy them to distinct virtual servers, so I don't think your use case
is supported.
