Re: URL Encoded Query String Wrong

From: ITVGuy2000 <>
Date: Fri, 6 Jul 2007 21:48:13 -0700 (PDT)

Wow Jan, this is great, I am really encouraged. People are really listening
here. I guess I should file more bugs as I find them.

Thanks for taking the time. With responsiveness like this, glassfish will
surely become the best.



Jan.Luehe wrote:
> Hi ITVGuy,
> ITVGuy2000 wrote:
>>Thank you for looking.
>>I have dropped the war file you provided into the autodeploy directory,
>>run the app. The results are as you say, and as expected.
>>Looking at the files within the war file, I notice one subtle difference.
>>The line in the index.jsp of your war file is:
>>instead of, as in the file I created:
>>I have since experimented and realize the following all "work":
>><FORM METHOD="GET" ACTION="/TestJSPForm/index.jsp">
>>In fact the only form that results in the mangled URL is the form I chose:
>>As far as I understand things, "/TestJSPForm" is a valid URL.
>>Also, I am unfamiliar with the ?/TestJSPForm? form of a URL. And I
>>that they are actually question marks (rather than some encoded character)
>>by typing them into my editor directly.
>>So my questions are as follows:
>>Why does the "/TestJSPForm" action result an incorrectly encoded URL query
>>Why does the ?/TestJSPForm? action work at all?
>>If the URL "/TestJSPForm" is invalid, shouldn't it result in an exception
>>rather than incorrectly encoded URL?
> Thanks for filing this issue:
> I just committed a fix for it to GlassFish v2, which will be available
> in the upcoming b55, and also updated the above issue link
> with my evaluation.
> Jan
>>One more observation. With the "/TestJSPForm" form of the action, I tried
>>all variations of locales, character encoding, and form-hints. I also
>>including the JSTL formatting for locale and character encoding. Nothing
>>seemed to have any impact on the URL encoding of this string.
>>I can move on and deploy my simple JSP example app to SJAS using one of
>>other forms that works, so my immediate problem is solved, but still it
>>seems something is goofed in glassfish.
>>Jan.Luehe wrote:
>>>ITVGuy2000 wrote:
>>>>I have a very simple JSP application that runs perfectly on Tomcat, but
>>>>run correctly on glassfish. I am guessing I have messed up some
>>>>configuration for the web application, but I am not sure where.
>>>>The JSP simply presents a form first time through, the subsequently
>>>>submitted) displays the parameters to the page.
>>>>When I run this application on glassfish, I get a 404-The requested
>>>>() is not available. The problem seems to be that the query string is
>>>>incorrectly encoded.
>>>>When I look at the address line of my browser I see:
>>>>rather than:
>>>>If I in fact type this query string by hand into the address line, my
>>>>happily displays the results blah and blah.
>>>I'm unable to reproduce this.
>>>I've bundled your resources into the attached WAR.
>>>After deploying it, I can access the form and see the entered
>>>values listed.
>>>The only difference between Tomcat and GlassFish that I am aware of is
>>>the default URI encoding: GlassFish uses UTF-8, whereas Tomcat uses
>>>We changed the default in GlassFish to UTF-8 in an effort to fix:
>>>("i18n: deployed app doesn't launch")
>>>>I am guessing this has to do with document/page/parameter encoding, but
>>>>not sure where I have this configured wrong. I am utilizing the default
>>>>web.xml and web-app.xml generated by NetBeans. I have tried setting the
>>>>default character set encoding in the sun-web.xml to both ‘UTF-8’ and to
>>>>‘ISO-8859-1’ with no effect.
>>>>Am I doing something wrong, or is this a bug?
>>>>---------------- index.jsp ---------------
>>>><%_at_page contentType="text/html"%>
>>>><%_at_page pageEncoding="UTF-8"%>
>>>><%_at_page import="java.util.*"%>
>>>><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
>>>> "">
>>>> <head>
>>>> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;
>>>> <title>TestJSPForm</title>
>>>> </head>
>>>> <body>
>>>> <center>
>>>> <h1>TestJSPForm</h1>
>>>> Today's date is: <%= new Date() %>
>>>> </center>
>>>> <%
>>>> if (request.getParameter("Term") == null &&
>>>> == null)
>>>> {
>>>> %>
>>>> <CENTER>
>>>> <H2>Glossary Info Form</H2>
>>>> <table width="300" border="0">
>>>> <tr>
>>>> <td width="122">Term: </td>
>>>> <td width="168"><input type="text" name="Term"
>>>> </tr>
>>>> <tr>
>>>> <td> Definition: </td>
>>>> <td><textarea name="Definition"
>>>> </tr>
>>>> <tr>
>>>> <td colspan="2">&nbsp;</td>
>>>> </tr>
>>>> <tr>
>>>> <td colspan="2"><div align="center">
>>>> <input name="submit" type="submit"
>>>> </div></td>
>>>> </tr>
>>>> </table>
>>>> </FORM>
>>>> </CENTER>
>>>> <%
>>>> }
>>>> else
>>>> {
>>>> %>
>>>> <P align="center">
>>>> The Glossary Entry you have provided:
>>>> <P align="center"> <table width="482" border="0"
>>>> <tr valign="top">
>>>> <td width="140">Term:</td>
>>>> <td width="332"><%= request.getParameter("Term") %></td>
>>>> </tr>
>>>> <tr valign="top">
>>>> <td><P align="left">Definition: </td>
>>>> <td><%= request.getParameter("Definition") %></td>
>>>> </tr>
>>>> </table>
>>>> <% } %>
>>>> </body>
>>>>------------------- sun-web.xml ----------------------
>>>><?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
>>>><!DOCTYPE sun-web-app PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Application
>>>>Server 9.0 Servlet 2.5//EN"
>>>><sun-web-app error-url="">
>>>> <context-root>/TestJSPForm</context-root>
>>>> <class-loader delegate="true"/>
>>>> <jsp-config>
>>>> <property name="classdebuginfo" value="true">
>>>> <description>Enable debug info compilation in the generated servlet
>>>> </property>
>>>> <property name="mappedfile" value="true">
>>>> <description>Maintain a one-to-one correspondence between static
>>>>content and the generated servlet class' java code</description>
>>>> </property>
>>>> </jsp-config>
>>>>------------------- web.xml ----------------------------
>>>><?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
>>>><web-app xmlns=""
>>>> xmlns:xsi=""
>>>> xsi:schemaLocation="
>>>> version="2.5">
>>>> <session-config>
>>>> <session-timeout>
>>>> 30
>>>> </session-timeout>
>>>> </session-config>
>>>> <welcome-file-list>
>>>> <welcome-file>
>>>> index.jsp
>>>> </welcome-file>
>>>> </welcome-file-list>
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