Re: Is it possible to incrementally precompile JSPs?

From: Sahoo <Sahoo_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 26 Jun 2007 09:46:39 +0530

Jan.Luehe_at_Sun.COM wrote:
> wrote:
>> I am trying to port a large legacy application from Weblogic 5.x to
>> Glassfish. The JSPs are thousands of lines, with gobs and gobs of
>> embedded coded. WL5 behavior wrt JSPs is quite different from GF, and
>> hence many of the JSP do not even compile. I am using 'precompilejsp'
>> to find the problems without having to click around the entire web
>> site. Precompiling JSPs is very very very slow.
>> For this project, its takes close to 30min before I see the first
>> error. Then I fix the error, and compile again, waiting another
>> 30min. Fix the error, compile again.... Argg. Can I get asadmin to
>> know that it just precompiled a gazillion JSPs and not do it again?
> Use the "jspc" utility in your GlassFish installation's "bin" directory.
> This will skip JSP pages that have already been compiled, so you should
> be able to do incremental compiles.
> You can then bundle the compiled servlet classes with your webapp,
> and set the "usePrecompiled" init-param of the JspServlet in
> default-web.xml (or the "usePrecompiled" property of <jsp-config>
> in your sun-web.xml) to TRUE. With this setting, you won't even have
> to bundle the JSP source files with your webapp: The JSP compiler
> will automatically use the precompiled servlet classes. Of course, this
> is an option only if your JSPs are not supposed to change.
> Jan
My earlier experience of JSPC tells me that the above trick probably
works in most of the times, but sometimes it can have some side effects.
Does standalone jspc use the same classpath as the container? e.g. does
JSPC use ear/lib directory while resolving dependency of a JSP?
