Re: Once again -> Glassfish vs. JBoss

From: Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart <>
Date: Fri, 22 Jun 2007 09:03:48 -0700 wrote:
> Here are my Glassfish point why I like it better than JBoss..
> I've never compared performance (but to be fair, JBoss
> has never published a benchmark either, even tho Sun has
> for SJAS), but GF is "fast enough" for what we do with it.

Stay tuned on performance; I think you will like what you will see...

I can assure you we are not "just 'fast enough'"...

> Bottom line, I feel that you will be up to speed and
> productive more quickly on GF than JBoss, and just as
> important, you will stay that way.

Nice to read your opinion! Hope we can maintain it, and let us know if
we ever fall short.

        - eduard/o

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