I'vs got a problem in calling a web service with WS-AT.
[#|2007-06-25T18:38:55.983+0200|WARNING|sun-appserver9.1|javax.enterprise.resource.webservices.jaxws.wstx.wscoord|_ThreadID=79;_ThreadName=httpSSLWorkerThread-8081-8;_RequestID=f4b0cf29-6027-46ee-aedb-ccd9ae9f3565;|WSTX-CLIENT-1001: WS-TX service is not available. Unable to flow a WS-Atomic Transaction Context for web service invocation of operation '{
http://versionconfiguration.services.sopgl.retraite.lan/}c__construct_version_configuration' from current container|#]
Someone told me it was a problem known and it was due to a personal firewall port not open for WS-TX services installed on GF.
But my 2 web services run on the same GF so I do not understand why this pb could affect my services ?
Could someone show me how to find the truth ?
Thank you all.
[Message sent by forum member 'jgresse' (jgresse)]