Hi I am having a similar problem. I am trying to work with the exploded deployment option and am getting an error with the runWsGen(WsUtil.java:1837), which looks like it's trying to read the Manifest file.
So here is the full picture. I start with an ear (with a couple jars in the /lib, a war and an ejb).
If I deploy this as a file it deploys fine.
it has a web service in the war (as a POJO w/ the @WebService, etc. and no web service deployment descriptors). There is an ejb.jar at the root of the project also it is also fine under the "file" deployment. They both reference the POJO entities in the /lib directory.
If I deploy this as an exploded directory to glassfish v2 b51
I explode the ejb.jar to ejb_jar and it seems to read everything in fine
I explode the web.war to web_war and it recognizes its there but then bombs when it tries to do the WsGen on it. I have tried this using the autodeploy as well as using the directory deployment using the admin console. They both have the same result. Now if I don't rename the .war to _war I get ClassNotFoundExceptions like this:
Cannot load com.papajohns.profit.orderservices.startupservlet.StartupServlet reason : com.papajohns.profit.orderservices.startupservlet.StartupServlet
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.papajohns.profit.orderservices.startupservlet.StartupServlet
at com.sun.enterprise.loader.EJBClassLoader.findClassData(EJBClassLoader.java:737)
Where startupServlet is just a regular servlet (not sure why its talking about the EJB here). And it does this for every class in the war.
So either way, I'm pretty stuck. Should I try a nightly build or something? A previous build? Anyway thanks again
The exploded deployment will be such a huge improvement. A simple change takes several minutes to process and I am trying to teach everyone Java EE 5, so it is causing headaches (They are doing a lot of quick redeployments).
So as I mentioned this is glassfish v2 b51, on Linux, using jdk 5_11. Please let me know if there's anything I can do to help trouble shoot this problem. I started looking into it because netbeans 6 m10 is coming out and is supposed to support this exploded deployment. So I have been testing it manually to make sure all of our stuff is going to work.
Anyway, thanks in advance!
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