How Can I access a Stateful Session Bean with a WebService ?

From: <>
Date: Sun, 17 Jun 2007 16:39:04 PDT


Here is my problem: I need to access my session bean with a web service endpoint, but I need to keep track of my session bean instance each time I call my Web Service.
As I can only use annotation @WebService with a Stateless bean (@Stateless) as an example I tried something like that:
public class NewWebService {
private NewSessionLocal newSessionBean;
* Web service operation
public String operation() {
return newSessionBean.hello();

public class NewSessionBean {
private String message;
/** Creates a new instance of NewSessionBean */
public NewSessionBean() {
message = "";
public String hello(){
return message += "hello";


 which should append hello string every time I call my web Service. However it only works if I remove annotation @EJB and @Stateful. Otherwis I get an
EJB5070: Exception creating stateless session bean : [{0}]

If someone could tell me how I can do with this issue it would be very nice.

Thank you.
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