Re: The reason we rolled back to version 1

From: Dick Davies <>
Date: Fri, 1 Jun 2007 21:01:20 +0100

I might be misunderstanding, but your app needs more heap than the maximum
set by the JVM you're running on.
You need to increase the heap.

If that means the box needs more memory, there isn't much else to do
but add more memory...

But it seemed your max heap (Xmx) was set to 512Mb, so if you increase
it a little
you may be ok. See

If as you say you only get this error on the first page access, you might find
virtual memory will be enough to get you back on track.

On 01/06/07, Kenneth Clark <> wrote:
> This is a dev server :) I would up the RAM but I am more of the opinion this
> is a fundamental flaw. Hence the reason I am bringing this to the dev guys
> attention.

Rasputin :: Jack of All Trades - Master of Nuns