How to improve documentation -- Re: Separate User and Developer Sites?

From: Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart <>
Date: Tue, 12 Jun 2007 09:53:12 -0700

I was too terse in my response; feedback and RFEs are very much
appreciated, I was just trying to enroll you :-)

You are right. There are no corresponding items in issue tracker. Our
bad. It's obviously one of the things to do and I should have done them

I'm trying to free some of my time to advance some of these projects.
Let me check with Sridatta and Dhiru about what subcategories would be
most appropriate - so they don't step in the final push for GFv2beta 3.

In the meantime, what do you think about hosting a documentation meeting
online, say via IRC or skype? We could agree to meet once, see how it
goes, perhaps do it weekly? would you be willing to attend?

        - eduard/o

Raju Uppalapati wrote:
> I did not find any of these todo items in the issue tracker. Maybe I
> used the wrong query.
> Sorry if my email appeared like a complaint but I was attempting to
> provide constructive feedback to make the site more appealing and in par
> with comparable opensource projects. Thats the reason I mentioned the
> exact issues with the current site.
> I can help ... though I am not a web site design expert. I know HTML,
> CSS and basic javascript.
> A more easier way for community participation might be to start an
> initiative for redesign ... identify the plan, divide it into smaller
> work items, create issues to track these items and part times like
> myself can probably own a few small work items that play are role in the
> bigger redesign project. I hope this approach is being followed even in
> the V3 project features aswell and maybe for documentation too.
> thanks,
> _raju
> On 6/11/07, *Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart* <
> <>> wrote:
> Agreed. Most of these have been in the "todo" list for a bit... I don't
> want to discourage people to complain, but we would very much welcome
> help...
> Are you volunteering to help?
> - eduard/o
> Raju Uppalapati wrote:
> > Can something be done about the look and feel of the main
> glassfish page
> > and the theme of the wiki?
> > The glassfish website (
> <>
> > <>) seems a bit disorganized and the
> > usability and site navigation is not comparable to
> > or
> > The following are things that can be changed to improve the look:
> > 1. The [Download Now] icons on
> <>
> > <> and the fonts for each download item
> > spoil the look.
> > 2. The ad for the plasma or HDTV makes it appear as if this is a
> > commercial page.
> > 3. Three or four different fonts and font sizes are being used on the
> > same page.
> > 4. There is no search box to allow a complete site search.
> > 5. The Javascript based Navigation on the top right corner [Aqarium,
> > Core, Webteir ...][ does not appear like a navigation menu.
> Unless one
> > scrolls the mouse on it.
> >
> > How about:
> > Registering a domain.
> > Create a new site which is organized similar to and
> > maybe change the theme a bit.
> > Stop using a Wiki for the main site or use a better Wiki software
> with
> > better theme?
> >
> > If not like alteast make get the main site in par
> with
> >
> > Both these sites are usable and looks professional.
> >
> > _raju
> >
> >
> > On 6/11/07, *Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart* <
> <>
> > < <>>> wrote:
> >
> > I wonder if we should try to separate the Developer from the
> User
> > Documentation / Wiki sites.
> >
> > The current arrangement (
> <>
> > <
> <>>) has been very
> > successful in enabling the activities of the Developer
> community but I
> > think it has been much less successful with the User
> community. For
> > example, I think there have been very few contributed pages.
> That may be
> > because users feel the pages are only for the "official" team
> and they
> > can't contribute.
> >
> > One possibility would be to split the two sites. JSP Wiki
> does not
> > provide namespaces but we were discussing contributing
> that. If so, we
> > could create a namesapce for DEVelopers and another for USERs.
> >
> > An alternative would be a separate instance for each wiki.
> >
> > What do people think?
> >
> > - eduard/o
> >
> >
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