Separate User and Developer Sites?

From: Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart <>
Date: Mon, 11 Jun 2007 12:05:52 -0700

I wonder if we should try to separate the Developer from the User
Documentation / Wiki sites.

The current arrangement ( has been very
successful in enabling the activities of the Developer community but I
think it has been much less successful with the User community. For
example, I think there have been very few contributed pages. That may be
because users feel the pages are only for the "official" team and they
can't contribute.

One possibility would be to split the two sites. JSP Wiki does not
provide namespaces but we were discussing contributing that. If so, we
could create a namesapce for DEVelopers and another for USERs.

An alternative would be a separate instance for each wiki.

What do people think?

        - eduard/o