Mismatched serialization UIDs

From: Ryan J <>
Date: Sat, 09 Jun 2007 11:15:14 -0600


I'm having a bit of trouble determining how to deal with an error I'm

> WARNING: "IOP00810211: (MARSHAL) Exception from readValue on ValueHandler in CDRInputStream"
> org.omg.CORBA.MARSHAL: vmcid: SUN minor code: 211 completed: Maybe

> Caused by: Mismatched serialization UIDs : Source (Rep. IDRMI:oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.helper.DatabaseTable:F50EA8FD20A0961A:F5EC67225B8773DC) = F5EC67225B8773DC whereas Target (Rep. ID RMI:oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.helper.DatabaseTable:F50EA8FD20A0961A:D0AEA7157E851E36) = D0AEA7157E851E36

Sorry for the long line.

Anyway, it occurs whenever I make (minor) changes to my Entity beans and
don't recreate my database tables. As an example of what I would
consider a minor change, I added an empty method to one of my Entity
beans just to make sure it was the cause:

private void emptyMehtodForTesting {}

The above change is enough to cause the error I mentioned. Also worth

- I'm running my application using the ACC (Application Client Container)

- I only seem to get the error when running on different machines (ie:
different JVMs where the minor version number may not match).

- I've tried several variations of including a serialVersionUID field in
my Entity beans and it seem to have no effect.

Any ideas? Thanks in advance for any help.
