Re: Unable to access EJB from application client

From: <>
Date: Wed, 06 Jun 2007 19:02:50 PDT

Hello everyone,

I'm having the same exception trying to access an injected EJB using a Web-started app client. Using the appclient -client script works ok, but using the generated jnlp file gives me that internal error/security exception. My setup is :

->glassfish b41d
->JDK 1.6.0 update 1
-> Win2k

Everything worked fine with Netbeans 5.5, b24 and JDK 1.5.0 on Win2k. While technically it's not the same app-client (we did one last winter), we just recently decided to upgrade everything (NetBeans 5.5.1, JDK 1.6 and Glassfish b41d) and we just started a new project using an app-client and got that error.

Today, a colleague of mine got a partial success with one EJB that worked and one that did not (in the same app-client). I haven't had the time to investigate, but at first glance the one that works is using primitive arguments/return value (strings), while the one that doesn't uses entities (EJB3 pojos).

At first I thought it was because the project was originally created in Netbeans 5.5, so I started a very basic one in 5.5.1, still the same exception. Thinking it was the injection that didn't work, we put some System.out.println() and found that the injection works ok, but accessing the method throws the security exception. Even trying to create an InitialContext to do the classic lookup throws the security exception. Again, starting the app-client using the appclient -client script works ok. Looking at the log, there's a warning just a few lines before about using the IIOP end point (or something like that, I'm at home and don't remember the message), and something about <target-server> or something like this related at all?

Anyway, we're about to test the same app-client on a clean machine with JDK 1.5.0 to see if the problem is with JDK 1.6 or with b41d. I'll keep you posted with anything I find that could be useful.


Francis Perreault
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