Re: does glassfish has a UDDI implementation?

From: Harpreet Singh <Harpreet.Singh_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 29 Jun 2007 15:37:37 -0700

Hi Legolas

GlassFish was tested with EBXML and UDDI Registries. We have a JAXR
implementation plugged in that enables us to talk to both types of

GlassFish was tested with Sun's EBXML registry. This registry is bundled
with JWSDP 1.6 (now a discontinued product). Another way to get this
registry is through a download of JES.

GlassFish was tested with IBM/Microsoft Registries before they were shut
down. Post shutdown we tested with Xindice Registry that was bundled
with JWSDP 1.5.

Have a look at the following page that I put up to show how to setup to
run against EBXML registries.

A detailed walkthrough on this feature is present at


legolas wrote:
> Can you please let me know which uddi server are tested or works with
> Glassfish?
> Thanks
> legolas wrote:
>> Alexis Moussine-Pouchkine wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> No, GlassFish does not bundle a UDDI registry.
>>> You can register one using: Application Server > Web Services | Registry
>>> Both UDDI 3.0 and ebXML are supported.
>>> -Alexis
>> Which UDDI registries are tested with Glassfish ?
>> Thanks
>>> legolas wrote:
>>>> legolas wrote:
>>>>> Hi
>>>>> Thank you for reading my post
>>>>> Does glassfish has a UDDI implementation with itself or we should
>>>>> use other UDDI implementation like UDDI4J.... ?
>>>>> Thanks.
>>>> Any comment?
>>>> Thanks
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