Re: GFv2_b45: OpenFileDescriptorCount is growing, growing and eventually server crashes...

From: Witold Szczerba <>
Date: Thu, 28 Jun 2007 14:57:40 +0200

OK, here it is, once again:

lsof |grep 14884 > lsof-2007-06-28-14h12m

netstat -nap |grep 14884 > netstat-2007-06-28-14h12m

I took a look at jconsole about 10-30 minutes later,
OpenFileDescriptorCount was around 1500 (as I said in my previous
post, the new limit is 4096) and it is 18 hours after server restart.

-Witold Szczerba

2007/6/27, Jeanfrancois Arcand <>:
> Do you think you can come with a test case that demonstrate the problem?
> One thing to add to the bug description is the output of 'netstat -an
> | grep <<http|iiop_port>>' to see the state of the fd opened. From you
> lsof dump, the socket state cannot be found:
> > java 25533 sop 265r FIFO 0,6 1246867 pipe
> > java 25533 sop 266w FIFO 0,6 1246867 pipe
> Do you have an idea about which protocol is producing the leak (IIOP or
> HTTP)? Hopefully IIOP (just kidding :-))...netstat -an will tell which
> one is leaking.