So. there is a insert into contacts table ( because it's conneceted with users ) and then there goes something like
Record Number:
Message ID:
Complete Message
so - there is userId = 444 (my test id )
INSERT INTO users (customId, change_stamp, surname, delete_stamp, name, office_id, contact_id, role_id) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) bind => [A1180044348125,
2007-05-25 00:05:48.125, asdasd, 2007-05-25 00:05:48.125, asdasd, null, 42, 4]
which shows, that the ID is omited, so - database is giving its own value.
and finally
select currval('users_user_id_seq')
And then it gives insert on accounts table, which have reference to = 57 ( assigned from database)
anyway - I don't know why it goes like that.
It's not THIS important to me. I found an alternative solution to my problem, I'm giving the customId, but it's not perfect.
If You still have some ideas - please ask :)
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