Re: OT: Glassfish Contest

From: Jim Driscoll <Jim.Driscoll_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 21 May 2007 11:17:37 -0700

Edson Carlos Ericksson Richter wrote:
> Why Brazilian guys aren't elegible for all the campaings from Sun?
> Not the Glassfish campaing currently running, but all other Sun

This is not an official answer, since I don't have any direct knowledge
about your specific case, but...

Different countries have different rules about how to run contests like
this. In fact, different States in the US have different rules, too
(the consequence of a federal system). When we run contests, we first
run the terms of the contest by our lawyers. They're the ones that
determine what things need to be done to qualify for running it in
different locations. Sometimes, we have to exclude certain countries
(or states) due to the local laws. While these laws are intended to
protect the person entering the contest, they sometimes have
restrictions that are either difficult or impossible to comply with if
you're running a remote contest, or are actually in conflict with other
rules or laws of other countries or states.

If you've ever tried to integrate two libraries from two different open
source groups who never talked to each other or implemented a common
standard, you'll understand the scope of the problem.

And, of course, there's no compiler to tell you where the problems are -
every case is essentially "desk checked". Law is way harder than code,
most times.

Hope this helps you understand a little of why this *might* be happening
(again, I don't know the absolute answer - I'm just guessing based on
previous experience - I certainly don't know what restrictions Brazil
does or doesn't have with respect to contests).

Jim Driscoll