Re: How to setup Glassfish behind NAT?

From: Witold Szczerba <>
Date: Fri, 18 May 2007 14:16:21 +0200

2007/5/18, <>:
> Hi, Josh.
> Thanks for posting the JNLP contents.
I will be 100x times more thankful if the problem disappears :) :)

> The property settings in the document - in particular the one for com.sun.aas.jws.iiop.defaultHost - look to me as if they use the externally-visible IP address, which is what we want. And just to confirm - is this the JNLP from a launch [b]outside[/b] the local network where the server is?

Yes, the JNLP document was generated using public IP address, outside
the local network where the server was.

> It looks as if I'll need to get the ORB experts involved in this. And I assume that is the internal address of the server system?

That's right. is local IP address of computer, where
Glassfish was.