JMS problem.

From: Daniel Cavalcanti <>
Date: Wed, 16 May 2007 14:27:24 -0400

I have an enterprise project and a client project to test the enterprise

The enterprise project has two web services: one to send messages and one to
receive messages.
The send web service puts a message in a InitialDestination
Then, a MDB receives that message and forwards/routes to a RequestQueue
The receiver web service reads messages from the RequestQueue.

From the client, everything works fine, except that the web service reading
from the queue is not getting any message back.
I also have a web app that browses the queue. From the QueueBrowser, I am
able to list all the messages in the queue.
Can someone point out to be what I'm doing wrong?

I can share the code upon request outside the mailing list since the message
won't get delivered if I attach the project...
