Glassfish not repsonding

From: <>
Date: Tue, 15 May 2007 22:40:33 PDT


First of all some back ground - I am looking for a good application server to replace our old JRun and Glassfish is leading this competition for the moment, mostly because of its features and it is really easy to migrate our applications from JRun which is pretty important since we have more that 60 applications currently running on aour platform and few more under development.

Ok, back to the problem - I'm using Glassfish Sun Java System Application Server Platform Edition 9.0_01 (build b02-p01) on Windows XP, Java 1.5.0_07 with two domains created. Ecplipse with WTP and Glassfish plugin.

After some work on a simple application and couple of deploments (from Eclipse) server stop responding and it is completely nothing that I can do - I cannot stop or restart the server only way to stop it is to kill the java process.
Only information that I can see is that Eclipse plugin says that it is "waiting for virtual machine to exit".

Thanks for any help

Best Regards
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