Glassfish - Application Common Library

From: <>
Date: Tue, 24 Apr 2007 11:00:55 PDT

I'm running the Glassfish 2.x server ...I have successfully deployed a
custom Web Service ( Document style ) and an associated client.

I am going to be building a number of web services, each of which
will share some common code components.

I split out the common code classes into a separate jar file which
I wish to make available to all the web services ( [i]no change to the
web service(s)[/i] ).

I have tried placing the -common code- jar file in ...glassfish\domains\domain1\lib,
glassfish\domains\domain1\lib\applibs and glassfish\lib all cases when I
subsequently try to deploy the Web Service I get an error ...if I move the
common code that is in this jar file back into the web service jar, all is fine.

Does anyone know the magic to allow a Web service to reference -common code-
...I presume there is a place for -common app code- that the App Server looks to
resolve these application class references.
[Message sent by forum member 'ramrod1460' (ramrod1460)]