Re: relationship between two applications

From: Jan Luehe <Jan.Luehe_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 23 Apr 2007 19:34:56 -0700

> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm currently trying to deploy our application into glassfish (Sun
>> Java System Application Server Platform Edition 9.0_01 (build b02-p01).
>> This application is running successfully in OracleAS, JBOSS4.x and
>> SAP Netweaver. The application consists of a core-app and several
>> dependent application which use this core (and classes contained in
>> this core). OracleAS has a special parent-relationship for specifying
>> this, Netweaver has a reference option allowin the same and JBOSS
>> seems not to have a very strict class loader.
>> But I haven't managed so far to get one of the applications to access
>> the core app in glassfish. Is there any way to specify this or to
>> weaken the classloader to allow access to the core application?

Since the core app and its dependent apps are related, you could bundle
them in an EAR file and
deploy them as such.

This would give the dependent apps access to the libs in the core app.

In other words, you would leverage a feature that has been
misinterpreted as a bug
in the past, see:
  ("Libs in one war are "bleeding" into other web apps in the same ear")
