RE: GlassFish Catch Phrase

From: Martin, Ray <>
Date: Mon, 26 Mar 2007 13:19:05 -0400

taking the first one in the list and shortening it:
Fountain of Innovation

a fountain gives images of a refreshing source.

best wishes,

-----Original Message-----
From: Jamey Wood []
Sent: Monday, March 26, 2007 12:54 PM
Subject: GlassFish Catch Phrase

Hi all,

One of the first advocacy-related tasks we'd like to tackle is picking a
GlassFish catch phrase. The initial use of this phrase would be on a
"get it now" button for GlassFish, similar to those you may have seen
for other Sun-related projects, such as these:


So please, speak up with your ideas and input. We're looking both for
new phrase ideas and opinions on the initial list I'm including below
(taken from the ideas of various people in a prior Sun-internal
discussion). And remember, please join the new ADVOCACY alias to
participate in this and similar discussions. Replies to this note
should go there.

Our initial list of catch phrase ideas:

 GlassFish: A Foundation of Open Source Innovation
 GlassFish: A More Advanced & Open Application Server
 GlassFish: A More Well-Rounded App Server
 GlassFish: Advanced Web Platform
 GlassFish: Clearly a Better App Server
 GlassFish: Enabling the Web of Tomorrow
 GlassFish: FOSS Application Server for Next Generation Web Apps
 GlassFish: MicroKernel Application Server
 GlassFish: Most Advanced FOSS Application Server
 GlassFish: Next Generation Application Server
 GlassFish: Open Source Application Server for Next Generation Web Apps
 GlassFish: Open Source Service Delivery
 GlassFish: Robust, Fast and Free App Server
 GlassFish: See The Future of App Servers
 GlassFish: Stitch The Web Together
 GlassFish: Taking Application Servers to the Next Level
 GlassFish: The Best in Open Source Service Delivery
 GlassFish: The Clear Choice in App Servers
 GlassFish: The Clearly Better App Server
 GlassFish: The Foundation of Open Source Service Delivery
 GlassFish: The Logical Choice in App Servers
 GlassFish: The Multi-Lingual Application Server
 GlassFish: The New Boss in App Servers
 GlassFish: Think Solid!
 GlassFish: Web Application Kernel

One last note... It's important that we pick a short phrase that'll fit
on the "get it now" and similar small buttons. It's possible that even
a few of the above candidates may be too long.



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