Failed deploy - NoClassDefFoundError: com/sun/enterprise/server/PELaunch

From: Romanowski, Tim <>
Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2007 14:08:33 -0400

Server: Glassfish V2 Build 39 on Solaris SPARC

Problem: I get the error (below) when I try to deploy my webapp via
NetBeans 5.5.1 Beta (not sure how to do so from the command line). After
the failed deploy, any further attempts to start the domain results in the
error below as well.


After installing glassfish, I am able to successfully start the server via
both netbeans and from the command line (asadmin start-domain domain1).
When I tried to deploy my app via NetBeans, after the server was started, I
get an exception. This same error happened to me on V2 Build 37. On
Windows, I am not getting any error, for the same web app. Is something
getting corrupted that I can easily fix? Last portion of my server log is














Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:



There used to be problems deploying via NetBeans on V2 prior to NB 5.5.1; is
this the same type of error, or is something else going on that I can

