Re: MyFaces Tomahawk -- Center of Gravity

From: Dennis Gesker <>
Date: Thu, 15 Mar 2007 15:49:09 -0600

Just more of a general interest question.

I was just sort of wondering if other projects that seem to be a good fit
and work well with Glassfish would eventually fold into or be absorbed
(welcomed?) by the Glassfish project. Does this happen by plan or through
evolution or at all?

The thought came to me because both projects are open source and there does
appear to be some overlap between the two.

Like for instance when Oracle contributed ADF faces to the MyFaces project.
I think its kind of a sub-project now (not 100% sure though) of MyFaces.
Also, I did see that JavaDB is derived from Apache Derby so I wondered if
maybe there is a pattern.

However, I do use some of the MyFaces Tomahawk components and they generally
seem to work well. Recently I have run into a few issues running on
Glassfish however (sun folks already submitted a patch for the worst one)
which I hope get fixed in the next Tomahawk release.

But my question was really more of a general one.


On 3/15/07, Jim Driscoll <> wrote:
> Dennis Gesker wrote:
> > With Glassfish being open source is there the possibility that the
> Tomahawk
> > components (open source but under the Apache lisc) of the MyFaces
> project
> > will be bundled at some point in the future? Or perhaps other open
> source
> > components?
> We're always thinking about what's in the next version of our stuff - is
> there anything in particular you'd like to see? Or is this just a
> general interest, without a specific need?
> Jim
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Dennis Gesker
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