Portals, CMS, Bloggers on GlassFish: Recommendations?

From: Harpreet Singh <Harpreet.Singh_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 09 Mar 2007 17:22:57 -0800

The Glassfish wiki extras applications page lists multiple CMS, portals
and blogging software that run on GlassFish.

Has anyone compared these applications to see which are the easiest to
use and install.
I am looking to set something up on my personal site and use it
*hopefully* :-).

Here is the stuff that I am looking at
Clearspace from jiveforums looks very cool.

Liferay vs StringBeans Portal vs Sun portal.
Some StringBeans seems to have a embedded CMS in it.

Blogging software
Pebbles seems to be a hands down ease of use winner over Roller.

Any recommendations/preferences, please reply "just" to me :-) ....
- Thanks