Many to Many bidirectional relationship

From: <>
Date: Thu, 08 Mar 2007 12:28:51 PST

[b]I’m trying to set up a Many-To-Many relationship between two entities. I believe I have set it up correctly and they persist to the database fine, where by I get two entity tables and a relationship table mapping them together via there PK. However if I want to access a collection in one of the entities with a getCollectionEG method it always returns an empty collection. My code is as follows:

Owning side entity contains a Collection and annotations:[/b]

  private Collection<TestTable> testTables = new ArrayList<TestTable>();

   public Collection<TestTable> getTestTables(){
        return testTables;

[b]The other entity has a Collection and the annotation mapping:[/b]

private Collection<Story> stories = new ArrayList<Story>();
@ManyToMany(mappedBy="testTables",cascade=CascadeType.ALL, fetch=FetchType.EAGER)
    public Collection<Story> getStories(){
        return stories;

[b]I have a TestTableFacade which contains a create method:[/b]

public void create(TestTable testTable) throws PageDoesNotExistException, TableCouldNotBeAddedToHTMLFileException, TestTableDoesNotExistException {
        Page pageFound = null;
        try {
            pageFound = page.findByName(testTable.getP().getPageName());
        } catch (QueryDidNotReturnResultException ex) {
            throw new PageDoesNotExistException();

int position = -1;
        Collection<Story> storiesToBeAdded = new ArrayList<Story>();
        ArrayList<Story> theStories = (ArrayList) testTable.getStories();
        if((theStories.size() > 0) && (!theStories.get(0).getStoryName().equals(""))){
            Collection<Story> stories = new ArrayList<Story>(theStories);
            for(Story s: stories){
                try {
                    Story storyFound = story.findStoryByName(s.getStoryName());
                    if(position == -1){
                        position = storyFound.getId().intValue();
                } catch (StoryNotFoundException ex) {
            position = -1;

for(Story s: testTable.getStories()){
            try {
                if(s != null && !s.equals("")){
                    Story st = story.findStoryByName(s.getStoryName());
            } catch (StoryNotFoundException ex) {
            } catch (TestTableDoesNotExistException ex) {


[b]So as far as I can see I do everything correctly. The Database is created correctly, the data is stored correctly with the relationship shown. I even have a EJB QL statement which gets testTables. Which returns me the list of testTables inside a given story.[/b]

Query query = em.createQuery( "SELECT o.testTables FROM Story o WHERE");
       query.setParameter(1, id);
       return query.getResultList();

[b]However if I find a Story entity and call getTestTables(), it always returns an empty collection. I would be very grateful for any suggestions.[/b]

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