quintessential JPA operation

From: Lucas Jordan <>
Date: Wed, 7 Mar 2007 16:07:51 -0500

I have looked though a lot of the tutorials and documentation looking for
the *right* way perform an operation with JPA in regards to handling
exceptions and closing EntityManagers. here is my first stab an a
quintessential JPA operation.

public void performOperation(){
        EntityManager entityManager = managerFactory.createEntityManager();
        EntityTransaction tx = null;
            tx = entityManager.getTransaction();

            //perform business operations. thrown exceptions cause rollback.

        }catch(Exception e){
            //log error, etc.
            if (tx != null && tx.isActive()){

Some notes. There is exactly one tx.commit() and exactly one tx.rollback().
this is to insure that they are called when intended. I am only catching
Exceptions and not Throwables. Im not a big fan of catching Throwable since
you can swallow really critical errors, like OutOfMemmoryError. Some
improvements that come to mind, though I am not sure about, are that the
tx.rollback() might throw an exception and prevent the entityManager from
being closed. I like having the rollback in the finally though.

Does any one have any ideas about this? or know of a really good example. I
would love to see them.