JMS Performance Trade-off

From: Daniel Cavalcanti <>
Date: Mon, 26 Feb 2007 14:39:04 -0500


I have a simple question that I've been thinking about but can't come up
with the answer/choice.
Here is the scenario. I have a system with a web service interface. A client
sends a message, which I'll put in a JMS queue.
I also have another web service interface that will retrieve messages from a
JMS queue. Your tipical writer/reader.

Depending on some parameters in this message, I'll place it in a
"particular" queue. Basically, these parameters are used to seggregate
messages to respective writers and readers.
Now, what is better (faster) in performance?
1. Have one queue that all writers write to, and the readers specify a
filter in the consumer to read only the relevant messages.
2. Have multiple queues, and the writer webservice figures out which queue
to put the message at.

If (2) is the best performance option, is there a way to make that queue
mapping/routing simple? With option (1), the code is very simple, just
specify the filter for the consumer.
The one requirement is that I can't lose any messages... The system will be
heavily loaded, so it needs to have a high throughput.
