> The rationale is to prepare a standard setup for a
> corporate environment where people should be
> restricted to use plain JavaEE(no JBI) and use the
> corp standard products for jms providers and
> databases.
> ny hints appreciated.
Ditch JavaEE entirely. (Well, sort of :D )
You can use EJB 3.0 and JPA from outside an EE 5 container.
JAX-WS is the drop dead easy way to do web services. (and not technically part of EE 5)
Your JAX-WS web services can make calls to EJB 3.0 entities, your stand alone apps can make calls to EJB 3.0 entities, your servlets, scriptlets and jsps can make calls to EJB 3.0 entities... all without an 'EE 5 container'.
You can wrap up your entity classes and persistence.xml as a library and just hand the jar to someone who needs to use it... bang... instant persistence layer. Too easy.
And best of all, you haven't crippled your compiler by moving all the logic out into XML files, so development will be much faster too.
[Message sent by forum member 'rickcarson' (rickcarson)]