TopLink Essentials: Distinct fails to remove duplicates

From: <>
Date: Fri, 16 Feb 2007 11:13:14 PST

If I have 2 classes:

public class Court {
    private long id;
            cascade = CascadeType.ALL,
            mappedBy = "court")
    private Set<Judge> judges;

public class Judge {
    private long id;

And I have 4 rows in the Court table and 8 in the Judges table (2 for each court) and I execute the following:

String s = "select distinct c from Court c left outer join fetch c.judges";
List l = em.createQuery(s).getResultList();

This prints out 8, where it I think it should print out 4. From section 4.8 of the jsr220 spec:

The DISTINCT keyword is used to specify that duplicate values
must be eliminated from the query result. If DISTINCT is not specified,
duplicate values are not eliminated.

If I run the same query in hibernate it prints out the value 4.

What is the correct behaviour?

Michael Barker.
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