Re: CORBA barf all of a sudden

From: <>
Date: Thu, 15 Feb 2007 15:16:12 PST

Hi, Laird.

Can you try running the client using the appclient script and see if the same problems occur in that environment?

As for the policy settings, for clients run using the appclient script the policy used is in $install-dir/lib/appclient/client.policy.

For Java Web Start launches, the policy should be as dictated by Java Web Start. To make that work the way we want, without having to sign those big (yes, I know, another topic) JARs from GlassFish, we adjust some of the policy at runtime by writing a temp file. If you can keep your client running, look in your temp directory for a file named jwsaccXXX.policy (where XXX is a unique integer) and that will contain some of the policy n use. The permissions granted to other codebases is as Java Web Start enforces: full permissions for signed code and sandbox permissions for unsigned code. The file is deleted when the app client container exits which is why this works only if the client is still running.

If you cannot keep the client running to inspect the file, you can assign the property com.sun.aas.jws.retainTempFiles=true in the URL using


along with any arguments you are setting in the URL's query string.

You wondered whether there might be some file lying around. Although it's possible for a temp file to linger after the JVM has exited, each new launch should be writing a new temp file for use by that launch so any old files should not interfere with later launches.

- Tim

corrected the path to the client.policy file

Message was edited by: tjquinn
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