Re: Glassfish in a shared hosting environment

From: Shreedhar Ganapathy <Shreedhar.Ganapathy_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 09 Jan 2007 12:58:03 -0800

Hi Jason
A glassfish domain is a distinct administrative domain and each domain
creates one server instance (using v1 or v1 ur1 or v1 ur1 p1) which is
a distinct process from any other glassfish domain's server. In v2 one
can create multiple instances within each domain and also cluster these

As such two different domains are just that and crash of one domain's
instance(s) should not bring down another domain unless the machine on
which these are running has a resource issue or limitations.

In the case of a web hoster using v2, standalone instances could be
given to each user if shared hosting through virtual servers is not
desired. In the case of v1 (ur1 and ur1 p1), creating individual domains
with different ports of various listeners will achieve the same result.

I am not sure if we have a dev test that shows this though. That would
be a nice contribution to have.

Hope this helps

Jason Lee wrote:
>> I think that web host provider would have to provide separate
>> glassfish domain for every customer. As far as I know each
>> domain lives in its own environment and if one crashes - it
>> can damage only itself (question to Glassfish developers: is
>> that true?).
>> The provider could create each domain folder in customer
>> private home folder, so customers could
>> launch/stop/restart/reconfigure their own domains using some
>> shell access (asadmin tool) or glassfish admin web-page or
>> something special developed for that purpose. The real
>> question is how many domains could be handled by one server
>> and how many resources (memory/cpu) is required for every
>> single domain excluding resources taken by deployed applications...
> That's what I had assumed would have to happen, but I just didn't know
> if domains could be restarted independently of each other, and if my app
> causes the server/domain to die (which I've seen happen), would it take
> out other domains with it? Ideally, they'd be well isolated from each
> other, but I don't know how to go about testing that, so I was hoping
> some of the GF devs would know for sure. Furthermore, it will be much
> more convincing to my provider if the info came from someone who really
> knows beyond someone like me who can only say "I think this is the way
> it..." ;)
> -----
> Jason Lee, SCJP
> Programmer/Analyst
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