Re: Glassfish in a shared hosting environment

From: Witold Szczerba <>
Date: Sun, 7 Jan 2007 22:58:58 +0100

I was thinking about same thing...

I think that web host provider would have to provide separate
glassfish domain for every customer. As far as I know each domain
lives in its own environment and if one crashes - it can damage only
itself (question to Glassfish developers: is that true?).

The provider could create each domain folder in customer private home
folder, so customers could launch/stop/restart/reconfigure their own
domains using some shell access (asadmin tool) or glassfish admin
web-page or something special developed for that purpose. The real
question is how many domains could be handled by one server and how
many resources (memory/cpu) is required for every single domain
excluding resources taken by deployed applications...

2007/1/5, Jason Lee <>:
> Forgive me if this has been asked and answered, but. :P
> I'm trying to convince my web hoster ( :) to offer Java
> support, but they are reluctant to do so. The problem for many in the
> shared hosting biz, as I'm sure most of you know, is that if one app in a
> shared Tomcat instance (for example) goes crazy, it takes the whole server
> out. I'm curious if Glassfish suffers from the same problem. Can different
> virtual servers be restarted independently of others, and are they isolated
> enough so that the death of one doesn't negatively affect others (beyond
> issues like memory and CPU utilization, which are, largely, outside the
> scope of the app server, though I guess it's conceivable that the server
> could enforce some sort of quota on its virtual servers)? I do all sort of
> cool stuff with JSF and Glassfish at work, but am forced to use PHP (not
> that there's anything wrong with that ;) for everything I do at home due to
> the lack of Java hosting that's comparable in price and features to PHP
> hosting. I'm hoping Glassfish can help rectify that. :)
> Thanks!
> -----
> Jason Lee, SCJP
> Programmer/Analyst