Re: How to set per instance jvm options in glassfish?

From: Jane Young <Jane.Young_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2007 11:04:21 -0800

Hi Andrew,

Can you try the following asadmin syntax:

asadmin.bat create-system-properties --user admin --host localhost
--port 4848 --target instance-one --

The "--" is to separate the options and the operand. Also, you need to
escape the ":" since it is used as a separator for multiple properties.



kedar wrote:

> Hi Andrew,
> (Sorry for referring you as Andrews, earlier :) )
> Let me tell you the high-level idea (and I am going to
> blog about it once I get a breather).
> In the domain.xml, we can store a token almost anywhere, like
> this:
> <domain>
> ...
> <configs>
> <config name="aconfig">
> <java-config ...>
> <jvm-options> ${TokenForDashD} </jvm-options>
> ...
> </java-config>
> </config>
> </configs>
> <servers>
> <server name="server1" config-ref="aconfig">
> ...
> <system-property name="TokenForDashD" value="Foo"/>
> </server>
> <server name="server1" config-ref="aconfig">
> ...
> <system-property name="TokenForDashD" value="Bar"/>
> </server>
> </servers>
> ...
> </domain>
> Hope you are with me.
> Now, when "server1" starts, it will take value of "TokenForDashD" to
> be "Foo", whereas "server2" will take it as "Bar" passed to the Java
> command invocation that starts the server instance!
> Is that what you are not looking for?
> Sorry if I misunderstood.
> If this is what it is, I will document this as a blog and then
> make sure our official documentation reflects this.
> Thanks and Regards,
> Kedar
> PS: Like I said, there are a few bugs in this and we will fix them soon.
> Replogle, Andrew wrote:
>> Kedar,
>> Thank you for the link to the documentation, although I'm not sure this
>> is what I'm looking for. I need to set specific JVM_OPTS per instance.
>> Ie.
>> -Dframework.propertyregistry.override=file:///path/to/our-application/ov
>> errides to the vm when it starts.
>> I tried using:
>> asadmin.bat create-system-properties --user admin --host localhost
>> --port 4848 --target instance-one
>> -Dframework.propertyregistry.override=file:///path/to/file
>> And I get a syntax error (CLI131). I'm not clear on how glassfish would
>> know this is a jvm arg to be passed vs an environmental variable vs a
>> glassfish specific property.
>> Does this make sense? I'll continue to read through the documentation to
>> see what I can find and lookup the error-codes to see if I'm just
>> passing the jvm arg wrong.
>> Andrew
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Kedar.Mhaswade_at_Sun.COM [mailto:Kedar.Mhaswade_at_Sun.COM] Sent:
>> Wednesday, January 24, 2007 5:05 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: How to set per instance jvm options in glassfish?
>> Hmmm.
>> You have asked a great question, Andrew.
>> And I am embarrassed to see that you could not find
>> a helpful document somewhere. We do have this capability
>> which we have "branded" as advanced capability and is
>> called "application server system properties". These
>> are nothing but tokens that can be replaced with certain
>> values at various levels -> domain, cluster, config, server.
>> See:
>> l
>> (Google Search words -- Application Server System
>> Properties)
>> At the moment there are some issues with it, but it mostly
>> works. We are fixing these issues. Please try out this stuff
>> and let us know if that satisfies you. You may have to employ
>> some work-arounds (like restarting node agent) for a transient
>> set of problems that we have.
>> Regards,
>> Kedar
>> Replogle, Andrew wrote:
>>> Hello, I searched through the user list and couldn't find anything
>>> in relation to this question:
>>> Say I have 2 instances in a cluster and I need each of them to start
>>> with some unique JVM args that specify overrides property files for
>>> the app because one instance will run jobs and has a slightly
>>> different config. How can I configure specific jvm args at the
>>> instance level. Right now from what I can see, on version2 build 32,
>>> the entire cluster shares a config. How can I get more granular in the
>>> configuration?
>>> Domain
>>> Cluster------- This is the lowest level I can see that I can configure
>>> JVM args.
>>> Node(s)
>>> Instance(s)
>>> / \
>>> App1 App2
>>> -Dfoo=file1 -Dfoo=file2
>>> Thanks in advance J
>>> Andrew
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