Re: Glassfish V2 Milestone 4 done!!

From: <>
Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2007 12:23:40 -0200 (BRST)

Hi, guys!

I love to hear that. Actually, I would be encharmed if you could post a "flash" video
showing step-by-step how to configure GF v2 M4 in a cluster environment using VMWare or
Xen, or any other virtualization platform, and doing basic failure event testing.
Even being a big flash movie, would be nice way to show how easy (and strong) GF is in
clustinring work, and will help to argument against other
not-so-good-but-easy-to-configure application servers...



> Hello All,
> We just completed the GlassFish V2 Milestone4 build successfully!! You can view the
> MS4 exit criteria here.
> We still have some P2 issues to be fixed. We have created a branch
> (SJSAS91_BETA_BRANCH) into which only bugswat approved issues must be checked in.
> Each checkin into this branch must clearly specify the bug number and the name of a
> reviewer who did the code review. Also, the bug must also be checked in the trunk
> The trunk is open for all checkins now.
> We still have a number of P3 bugs to be fixed. These bugs can be fixed/checked in
> only on the trunk.
> Thanks,
> --Mahesh
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