Re: Entity auto generated id

From: Kenneth Clark <>
Date: Wed, 24 Jan 2007 18:21:37 +0200


in case that you are using EJB3 you can have your own generator to generate your entity IDs.


I am using the EJB. I just need a pointer to docs that describe how to
do this. All the examples have the ID as a Long type. I have a class to
generate the GUID but currently I have to set the ID manually and would
like to tell the AS to assign it. I think I might have a work around,
bit of a hack but it will have to do.

Kenneth Clark
Developer / Analyst

Rabid Dog Laboratories ^(TM)
Putting the art back into development

*tel:* +27 11 475 7409
*mobile:* +27 82 500 5090

legolas wood wrote:
> Baker, Brad (Contr) wrote:
>> This seems like a Data Base question. Not a glassfish dev question.
>> MS SQL will do auto gen GUIDs as PKs.
>> -Brad
>> ________________________________
>> From: Kenneth Clark []
>> Sent: Wednesday, January 24, 2007 8:43 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: Entity auto generated id
>> Is this even possible? Please help here. Been sitting on this the whole
>> day and I just can't find docs on it. Should I rather post this in the
>> forum?
>> Thanks
>> Kenneth Clark
>> Developer / Analyst
>> Rabid Dog Laboratories (tm)
>> Putting the art back into development
>> tel: +27 11 475 7409
>> mobile: +27 82 500 5090
>> e-mail:
>> website:
>> Kenneth Clark wrote:
>> This might be a really weird question so please forgive me
>> Is there anyway to auto generate a unique ID using a custom routine for
>> the record?
>> i.e.: I would like to use a GUID as the PK value for an entity. Is this
>> possible?
>> Thanks
> Kenneth , What is your persistence mechanism ?
> in case that you are using EJB3 you can have your own generator to generate your entity IDs.
> in case that you are using plain JDBC you can simply generate the ID and put it into the column when you insert a row into database.
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