HowTo install sjsas_pe-9_0_01-p01-linux.bin on a 64bits FC5 box

From: Franck Quinard <>
Date: Thu, 4 Jan 2007 10:23:02 -0500


Just a quick step by step to work around the problems of installing
sjsas_pe-9_0_01-p01-linux.bin on a 64 bits FC5 box.

First problem: it cannot find the You could set the
LD_LIBRARY_PATH to were it is (/usr/lib64) but it won't work because
it's a 64bits library and it's looking for the 32bit library.
Unfortunatly, in /usr/lib you don't have but you have Just create a link (ln -s
and it will do the trick. Don't forget to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH now to

Second problem: it needs a 32 bit JVM to do the installion and you
probably have a 64 bit JVM. Just install a 32 bit JVM version and run
the installation. During the installation, it will ask you wich jdk
you want to use to run the app serv, set it to your 64 bit JVM at that
time. Then you can remove your 32 bit JVM, you don't need it anymore.

Hope it helps
