Synchronization of portal http session & portlet sessions

From: A. Alonso Dominguez <>
Date: Thu, 7 Dec 2006 18:52:13 +0100

Hi there,

I'm a newer user of the Sun's application web Server (glassfish) and I want
to deploy and run correctly my portal implementation, which is deployed on
Tomcat and runs correctly there. My portal is packaged as an .EAR file which
contains a webmodule for each portlet application ("/main", "/webmail",
"/testsuite") and a webmodule for the portal's root context ("/portal")
 (the one which invokes portlets through the portlet container).

Currently the .EAR file which contains the whole portal implementation is
correctly deployed by the admin console and it seems to run correctly but I
found a problem: If I close my session once I have been authenticated, it is
just closed for the portal's root context. If I authenticate now with
different user and password at the portal's root context I'm the user but at
the portlet application contexts I'm still the first user that was

I had this problem before when I deployed my portal in Tomcat 5.5. The way
to solve it is configuring the Tomcat's HTTP connector to use
"emptySessionPath=true". This way the portlet application contexts have the
share the same sessionID than the portal's root context.

Now I'm working with glassfish and I would like to get this correctly
running. Taking a look to the glassfish's documentation it seems that there
is no way to configure the HTTP listener to use "emptySessionPath=true"
because I'm getting this message:

WEB0327: Unsupported http-listener property (emptySessionPath) is being

Any help to configure this or to solve my problem will be appreciated.

