Re: is there any job market for glassfish

From: Antonio Goncalves <>
Date: Sun, 3 Dec 2006 18:52:25 +0100

I have to say, I always find it strange when I see a job advert with
"Weblogic needed" or "Webshpere wanted". I wonder if they want an app server
administrator or just a guy who knows about JEE, EJBs and so on.

I'm a former BEA consultant, I've worked for the last years with JBoss and
I've been using GlassFish since september. Yes, you don't deploy the same
way, Yes the admin console is different, Yes the directories have different
names.... but really, when you stick to development, after a few weeks and a
few scripts, you know how to deploy and run an application on any app

If you want to be an administrator expert, twist all the thousands
parameters to make the server run faster, that's different, but in most of
the jobs advert, you should read "JEE wanted" instead "Weblogic wanted".


2006/12/3, legolas wood <>:
> Today i searched some of jobs portal and i see a lot of items that
> included WebLogic and Websphere but no item had glassfish experience as
> a plus.
> Is there any place that people looks for developers who know glassfish ?
> Thanks
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