HTTP Basic authentication

From: Kenneth Clark <>
Date: Wed, 20 Dec 2006 22:43:38 +0200

I have been working on glassfish and loving the EJB 3 web service stuff.

The only problem I have with it thus far is the need to declare the
authentication type in the sun-ejb-jar.xml file eg:


With all the annotations taking care of the rest of the deployment
descriptor would it not be smarter to have this as an annotation
declaration processed by the wsgen or some other tool? I know from my
side it would make maintenance on large scale application bliss rather
than having to worry about whether or not I have added the said
component to the deployment descriptor. The use cases I am working on
all in all have 76 different user types so divide that by 2 equals 38
declarations inside the sun-ejb-jar file. That is just currently, with
every subsystem that gets added it is going to go up.

Any future plans for this type of thing? Is it implemented already and I
am just slow?
