JDBCRealm Config Problem

From: Dennis Gesker <>
Date: Tue, 19 Dec 2006 14:33:49 -0700

I'm attempting to move a small application from JBoss to
Glassfish-v2-b28. But I seem to be having a small (i hope) issue with
configuring JDBCRealm in my application. I think I'm close but I could
use a hint to get the rest of the way.

Using the admin console I added a jdbc realm setting the necessary
properties. I added a few entries to my war archive (part of an ear) so
the application would look to the jdbc-realm for its form login. When I
run the application the server refers me to the login page as expected.
When I attempt to login the server logs (set to FINEST on security)
indicate a successful login. Also, I see messages in the logs which seem
to indicate that the server can see the roles associated with my login.
However, after leaving the login page I get an:

Access to the requested resource has been denied

for the index.jsp file and the logs indicate that 'result was (false)
permission' for index.jsp.

Could someone offer a hint on what I might do next to trouble shoot this

Below is a snipped of my web.xml file:

   <!-- Authentication -->
