Re: how to secure access to glassfish JNDI?

From: Craig McClanahan <Craig.McClanahan_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 18 Dec 2006 00:13:55 -0800

legolas wood wrote:
> Craig McClanahan wrote:
>> legolas wood wrote:
>>> Hi
>>> thank you for reading my post.
>>> What is solution to secure the JNDI access?
>>> for example if any one know our application server IP address then
>>> he/she can lookup the JNDI , is it correct?
>> No. They only way an outsider could perform lookups in your JNDI
>> namespace is if they were allowed to install applications on your app
>> server. If they can do that, you've got substantially more serious
>> issues to think about than just JNDI access :-).
>> Craig
> Let me ask with more details,
> We have two application server installed on two computers in our
> environment. We have JMS on second machine , and other components are
> on the first machine.
> From first machine we lookup the JMS destinations on second machine
> and use them. (we are still unable to perform the lookup but we are
> working on it.)
> *what make me worried is :*
> when my application on first machine can lookup into the JNDI of
> second machine, outsiders can do the same, don't they?
It is impossible to answer precisely without understanding all the
details of your environment, but your own experience should provide some

* JNDI lookups are local to the current application execution environment
  -- they are not accessible via arbitrary HTTP requests.

* Do you have any evidence that *anyone* can make such a request?
  It sounds like you have not even succeeded at internally making this
> When I looked into glassfish configuration i found a Security Manager
> CheckBox, the online help just said that it will enable/disable the
> security manager but it does not explains what will security Manager do.
The security manager checkbox relates to the SecurityManager[1] feature
of all Java JVMs. This deals with controlling what can happen *inside*
a single JVM instance, so you can (for example) provide different
capabilities to different webapps served by the same app server. It
does not have anything to do with remote access.

> Thanks

PS: About 90% of the questions you ask on various mailing lists can be
addressed by the large amount of information indexed by search engines
such as Google. In particular, a search for "SecurityManager" or
"security manager" would have turned up a large number of useful links
in addressing your concerns.

>>> if it is correct, then how we should prevent it and secure the JNDI ?
>>> thanks
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