Matthew Pease wrote:
> Hi all-
> I'm installing the latest glassfish v1 & I'm upgrading to the latest
> derby.
> I'm upgrading derby simply by replacing the javadb folder with the
> latest derby. is this correct?
Yes, I believe so. The only care that you must take is to run
the ant -f setup.xml or setup-cluster.xml (as the case may be)
after this upgrade. Before you do that though, delete:
> Also.. how do you control the path to where derby writes out its
> data? I'd like it to always be in the same place, not wherever I
> happen to issue the asadmin start-database command.
I thought this bug was fixed.
For now, can you try "asadmin start-database --dbhome <location of your
interest>"? -- shows it's
Not sure about build-id.
> Thank you-
> Matt
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