Re: What is EJB3 jar file that is required for hibernate?

From: Wouter van Reeven <>
Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2006 14:43:20 +0100

On Thu, Nov 16, 2006 at 05:03:43PM +0330, legolas wood wrote:
> I am trying some hibernate learning lessons from Pro hibernate 3 book.
> it said that we need to add EJB3 jar file to our classpath in order to use
> annotations.
> and it said that all application servers that has EJB3 support should
> have that file.
> i searched and i did not find it. :-(
> for example it needs javax.persistence.*; to be imported into my java
> files which are included into that jar file.
> now the question is that
> what is equal file in glassfish libraries ?
> As i want to use Hibernate engine i do not want to use Glassfish
> implementation of EJB3 (Toplink essential)

You need javaee.jar which is shipped with Glassfish.

HTH, Wouter van Reeven

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Sir Bedevere: "And therefore...?"