What is EJB3 jar file that is required for hibernate?

From: legolas wood <>
Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2006 17:03:43 +0330

thank you for reading my post
I am trying some hibernate learning lessons from Pro hibernate 3 book.
it said that we need to add EJB3 jar file to our classpath in order to use
and it said that all application servers that has EJB3 support should
have that file.
i searched and i did not find it. :-(
for example it needs javax.persistence.*; to be imported into my java
files which are included into that jar file.
now the question is that
what is equal file in glassfish libraries ?
As i want to use Hibernate engine i do not want to use Glassfish
implementation of EJB3 (Toplink essential)
