best options for securing application on glassfish

From: legolas wood <>
Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2006 15:00:06 +0330

Thank you for reading my post
I need to know what is best option for securing an application which is
running inside the Glassfish
I should say that we need high availability so please suggest items that
are compatible with this requirement.

our application is mostly some web services and it will deploy in glassfish.
what we need is :
Highly secure transfer channel (SSL?)
Insurance about users identity (double key?)
I want to know whether we have some specal SSO features that allows us
to use authentication for our web services using this SSO and it be
enough flixible which we could change the authentication model in future.
for example we start with user/pass and some database table with
user/pass fields
and later we may switch to LDAP or use double key to authenticate users
or what other possible mechanism.
