Re: IMPORTANT: Milestone 3 completion exit criteria for GlassFish V2/9.1

From: Shreedhar Ganapathy <Shreedhar.Ganapathy_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 12 Oct 2006 22:48:01 -0700

Hello Dhiru, Sridatta
Is there a page showing the features that will be delivered in M3?
I looked for it in the milestones page but there is not much there.
Could we ask all modules to provide a list of their deliverables for M3?


Dhiru Pandey wrote:
> Hello All,
> Thanks to everyone who provided input on M3 completion exit criteria.
> Based on all the input we have published the Milestone 3 (M3)
> completion exit criteria
> <>
> for GlassFish V2/9.1.
> MS3 completion date is *12/11/2006*.
> Please take note of the exit criteria for bugs:
> * No P1s.
> * Max 2 P2s per module (combined bugster dashboard
> <http://monaco.sfbay/summary.jsf?product=sunone_application_server&hook4Opt=2&area=Defect&CRrelease=null%2C9*&hook4=as91-na%2Cas91-fixed&title=Open+Bugs+with+Target+Release+9*%2C+null&hook2=as9-na&hook2Opt=2>
> and issue tracker dashboard
> <>)
> * All P3/S1 bugster bugs
> <http://monaco.sfbay/list.jsf?product=sunone_application_server&hook4Opt=2&area=Defect&CRrelease=null%2C9*&hook4=as91-na%2Cas91-fixed&title=Open+Bugs+with+Target+Release+9*%2C+null&hook2=as9-na&severity=1&priority=3&hook2Opt=2>
> need to be fixed
> * Forward port all 8.2 bugs <http://monaco.sfbay/url/8t0>
> * P3s per module (combined bugster and issuetracker) cannot exceed
> a max number as per the bug criteria input provided by module
> leads/engineers
> <>.
> For those module owners who did not provide this input, please
> update this wiki page
> <>
> with your input by *10/18/2006*.
> Thanks
> -Dhiru and Sridatta