Re: Apache, mod_jk and VirtuellServers

From: Johannes Hammoud <>
Date: Tue, 03 Oct 2006 18:13:15 +0200

Hi Jeanfrancois,

> On another topic, I got the OK from the team to support officially
> mod_jk for our next GlassFish official release (v2), which means better
> documentation, better testing, admin-gui support, etc.

Yeah - like such good news:)
Do you think this issue will be fixed in v2?
Any release date known?

Some other topic, perhaps you can forward this to any person.
I postet the question in serveral list until find the right one here.
1. Sun Forum
2. GlassFish Forum
3. GlassFish user mailing list

Think this is confusing and ineffectiv.
Best from my point of view would be the central Sun forum.

J. Hammoud