RE: Apache Glassfish and mod_jk

From: Martyn <>
Date: Mon, 18 Sep 2006 19:50:58 +0100

Hi Amy,
What I found is that when I just start glassfish v1 build 48 it seems to
ignore the jvm options for enableJK, now if I log in to the web admin GUI
It then loads it and all works as expected, Even if I log out once it is
loaded it is ok.

I have another question for you it seems that setting this up on Linux there
does not seem to be a mod_jk version for apache 2.2.x so I can not get it to
work on Linux setup, I am led to believe that the mod_proxy_ajp module
replaces this even though you can get one for windows system. Reading your
blog, where you write that it is now possible to configure AJP Connector in
glassfish with parameters kept in file
Would this have anything to do with the proxy_ajp? Or does this just add
extra parameters.

Kind regards Chainy.

-----Original Message-----
From: Amelia.Roh_at_Sun.COM [mailto:Amelia.Roh_at_Sun.COM]
Sent: 18 September 2006 19:37
Subject: Re: Apache Glassfish and mod_jk

Hi Chainy,

Which GlassFish build are you using? I just tried on Win XP with
GlassFish v1 and it works as expected.


Martyn wrote:
> Hi
> I am new to glassfish and I would like to use the mod_jk with apache and
> glassfish. Although I have followed the instructions on setting this up
> I can not get the correct results. I have read all I can find in the
> list archives but none have resolved the problem for me. When I request
> the page it seems if apache is passing on the reqest but I just get a
> blank page with no code in the source at all. On viewing the server log
> for glassfish I find this:
> find home, not loaded|#]
> ajp13 listening on /|#]
> running ID=0 time=0/47 config=null|#]
> And In the mod_jk log I have this
> [Sat Sep 16 03:43:18 2006] [3260:4108] [debug] jk_uri_worker_map.c
> (508): Attempting to map URI '/mypage.jsp' from 2 maps
> [Sat Sep 16 03:43:18 2006] [3260:4108] [debug] jk_uri_worker_map.c
> (520): Attempting to map context URI '/glassfish-test/*'
> [Sat Sep 16 03:43:18 2006] [3260:4108] [debug] jk_uri_worker_map.c
> (520): Attempting to map context URI '/*.jsp'
> [Sat Sep 16 03:43:18 2006] [3260:4108] [debug] jk_uri_worker_map.c
> (534): Found a wildchar match worker1 -> /*.jsp
> [Sat Sep 16 03:43:18 2006] [3260:4108] [debug] mod_jk.c (1832): Into
> handler jakarta-servlet worker=worker1 r->proxyreq=0
> [Sat Sep 16 03:43:18 2006] [3260:4108] [debug] jk_worker.c (111): found
> a worker worker1
> [Sat Sep 16 03:43:18 2006] [3260:4108] [debug] mod_jk.c (531): Service
> protocol=HTTP/1.1 method=GET host=(null) addrr= name=stompy
> port=80 auth=(null) user=(null) laddr= raddr=
> [Sat Sep 16 03:43:18 2006] [3260:4108] [debug] jk_ajp_common.c (2164):
> acquired connection pool slot=0
> [Sat Sep 16 03:43:18 2006] [3260:4108] [debug] jk_ajp_common.c (566):
> ajp marshaling done
> [Sat Sep 16 03:43:18 2006] [3260:4108] [debug] jk_ajp_common.c (1698):
> processing worker1 with 2 retries
> [Sat Sep 16 03:43:18 2006] [3260:4108] [debug] jk_connect.c (329):
> socket TCP_NODELAY set to On
> [Sat Sep 16 03:43:18 2006] [3260:4108] [debug] jk_connect.c (427):
> trying to connect socket 1544 to
> [Sat Sep 16 03:43:19 2006] [3260:4108] [info] jk_connect.c (445):
> connect to failed with errno=61
> [Sat Sep 16 03:43:19 2006] [3260:4108] [info] jk_ajp_common.c (889):
> Failed opening socket to ( with (errno=61)
> [Sat Sep 16 03:43:19 2006] [3260:4108] [info] jk_ajp_common.c (1251):
> Error connecting to the backend server.
> [Sat Sep 16 03:43:19 2006] [3260:4108] [info] jk_ajp_common.c (1783):
> Sending request to tomcat failed, recoverable operation attempt=1
> [Sat Sep 16 03:43:19 2006] [3260:4108] [debug] jk_connect.c (329):
> socket TCP_NODELAY set to On
> [Sat Sep 16 03:43:19 2006] [3260:4108] [debug] jk_connect.c (427):
> trying to connect socket 1544 to
> [Sat Sep 16 03:43:20 2006] [3260:4108] [info] jk_connect.c (445):
> connect to failed with errno=61
> [Sat Sep 16 03:43:20 2006] [3260:4108] [info] jk_ajp_common.c (889):
> Failed opening socket to ( with (errno=61)
> [Sat Sep 16 03:43:20 2006] [3260:4108] [info] jk_ajp_common.c (1251):
> Error connecting to the backend server.
> [Sat Sep 16 03:43:20 2006] [3260:4108] [info] jk_ajp_common.c (1783):
> Sending request to tomcat failed, recoverable operation attempt=2
> [Sat Sep 16 03:43:20 2006] [3260:4108] [error] jk_ajp_common.c (1794):
> Error connecting to tomcat. Tomcat is probably not started or is
> listening on the wrong port. worker=worker1 failed
> [Sat Sep 16 03:43:20 2006] [3260:4108] [debug] jk_ajp_common.c (704):
> reset socket with sd = -1
> [Sat Sep 16 03:43:20 2006] [3260:4108] [debug] jk_ajp_common.c (2107):
> recycling connection pool slot=0 for worker worker1
> [Sat Sep 16 03:43:20 2006] worker1 stompy 1.906000
> [Sat Sep 16 03:43:20 2006] [3260:4108] [info] mod_jk.c (1978): Service
> error=0 for worker=worker1
> I have entered the jvm option
> -Dcom.sun.enterprise.web.connector.enableJK=8009
> I have installed the latest copy of the mod_jk
> And apache 2.2.3 the tomcat-ajp file I copied is from version 5.5.17 as
> well as the commons jars.
> All on windows xp pro
> I would be really greatfull if someone could help me sort the issue out
> Kind regards Chainy.

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