RE: AppClient/JWS/Derby/Security problems

From: Martin, Ray <>
Date: Wed, 13 Sep 2006 17:55:36 -0400

KART.jar is deployed to Glassfish as an AppClient Module. There is no
enterprise archive file relative to KART. When an AppClient Module is
deployed, there are two pages in the Web Admin Console. The first page has
a check box for Java Web Start enabled. I check that box. Thereafter, the
following URL in Firefox causes KART to stand up:
I also have a JSP available from an enterprise app deployed to Glassfish.
But, this is probably a 'don't care' relative to our discussion - just
wanted to make sure.
So what is the next step? Should I send something? test something? your
wish is my command...
I reviewed the stack trace below before hitting the send button and I
thought of something else that may be relevant.
There is a web app, Addons.war, that is deployed to Glassfish. In that war
file are simply three jar files - ChatAddon2.jar, DrawingAddon.jar, and
After JWS has launched KART, the substrate, a GUI is available - the user
can select a button, "VisitAddon Store". This button points to the URL of
Addons.war in Glassfish. The resulting HTTP response is parsed and the
three jar files are shown in a Swing Listbox. The user can select an addon
one at a time.
If I select ChatAddon2 from several different computers (each from a KART
launched via JWS) then the chat GUI stands up and a chat session can occur
between the collaboration nodes of the structured overlay network. This is
If I select the addon, SecurityAuditor, the GUI stands up - but, this addon
is immature and does not do much just yet (but, eventually, it will need
data persistence). This addon is working to its current level and does not
If I select the addon, DrawingAddon, then the bold lines below occur - and
What is happening is that when the user selects an addon from the list, KART
asks that addon if it has a DataAccess layer. Both ChatEditor2 and
SecurityAuditor respond with a null signifying that they do not have a
DataAccess layer. DrawingAddon responds with the name of the class that is
its DataAccess layer. KART then uses its AddonClassLoader to retrieve the
DataAccess class, in this case, DataAccessImpl, from DrawingAddon.jar not
from KART.jar. After DataAccessImpl has been instantiated, KART passes emf
(EntityManagerFactory). In the method that DataAccessImpl receives emf, it
then has the line: em = emf.createEntityManager();
We discussed that EntityManagerFactory needed to be in the main class of
KART. But, we did not discuss that EntityManager needed to be in the main
class of KART. But, I will go ahead and test passing EntityManager from
KART to the DataAccessImpl - just as easy to do - just did not happen to do
it that way.
Before sending the email, I moved: em = emf.createEntityManager(); - the
main class of KART and re-tested. The error moved for both 'appclient only'
and appclient/JWS as can be seen in the attached traces.
I would like to have EntityManager and EntityManagerFactory in my
addon.DataAccessImpl class and not in kart.Main class. Also, I would like
to utilize persistence.xml from the addon jar not the KART jar. PLEASE.

-----Original Message-----
From: Timothy.Quinn_at_Sun.COM [mailto:Timothy.Quinn_at_Sun.COM]
Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2006 4:19 PM
Subject: Re: AppClient/JWS/Derby/Security problems

Hi, again, Ray.

In the stack trace related to the permission problem launching via Java Web
Start (in Thread-25 as excerpted below) I suspect the error occurs because,
although the TopLink code itself has been granted elevated permissions and
would be allowed to read the property, the SecurityManager will not permit
it to do so unless all intervening methods in the call stack also have that
permission. I suspect that the kart... classes are not being granted
permissions (bolded in the stack trace).

With that in mind - and if you have already described this earlier in the
mail thread I apologize for asking again - can I ask how, physically, are
the kart.* classes made available to the client? Are they packaged in the
app client itself, or in a JAR within the containing EAR? The Java Web
Start-aware app client container (ACC) should be making sure, within the
Java Web Start security model, that adequate permissions are granted to the
code downloaded in the app client JAR. If this is not happening then we
need to find out why.

- Tim

Exception in thread "Thread-25" java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
    at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
    at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(
    at java.lang.Class.newInstance0(
    at java.lang.Class.newInstance(
    at kart.Model.setDataAccessLayer(
    at kart.addon.loader.AddonClassLoader.start(
    at kart.Model.execAddon(
    at kart.KARTgui$11$
Caused by: access denied
(java.util.PropertyPermission toplink.validation-only read)
    at java.lang.SecurityManager.checkPermission(
    at java.lang.System.getProperty(
    at draw.resources.dal.DataAccessImpl.<clinit>(
    ... 13 more